Markdown Document Templates

The following are templates for creating markdown documents:

Table of Contents

Options Paper Template

# `<Insert Title For Options Paper>`

| Item | Description |
| --- | --- |
| Status | `Not Started` / `In Progress` / `Completed` |
| Impact | `High` / `Medium` / `Low` |
| Driver | @ Mention Driver |
| Approver| @ Mention Approver |
| Contributors | @ Mention Contributors |
| Informed | @ Mention Informed |
| Due Date | Type date |
| Resources | Add links to relevant research, pages,  and related decisions |

## Relevant Data

Add any data or feedback the team should consider when making a decision.

## Background

Provide context on the decision the team needs to make and include information about the constraints and challenges.

## Options Considered

| | Option 1 | Option 2 |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Description | | |
| Pros | | |
| Cons | | |
| Impact | | |
| Estimated Effort | | |
| Estimated Cost | | |

## Action Items

Add action items to close the loop on open questions or concerns

- [ ] Type your task here and mention who the task is assigned to add any task number or link to the task.


Design Decision Template

# `<Insert Title For Design Decision>`

| Item      | Description                                   |
| ---       | ---                                           |
| Status    | `Not Started` / `In Progress` / `Completed`   |
| Owner     | @ Mention Owner                               |
| Approved  | @ Mention Approver                            |
| Due Date  | Type date                                     |
| Decision  | `Yes` / `No` / `Pending`                      |

## Problem Statement

Add a brief description of the problem or opportunity the team is addressing and why it is important.

## Research Insights

Summarise the research insights that led to the decision.

## Solution Hypothesis

Add a brief description of the solution hypothesis and why the team believes it will solve the problem.

## Design Options

|           | Option 1  | Option 2  |
| ---       | ---       | ---       |
| Overview  |           |           |
| Benefits  |           |           |
| Risks     |           |           |

## Follow up

Keep track of your design decision and follow up on any questions or concerns.

| Decision  | Status    | Next Steps    |
| ---       | ---       | ---           |
|           |           |               |

## Source Files

Type/link to add links to design files
