Enhancing PowerShell Development: Quality Modules and Version Control for DevOps Engineers


In the world of DevOps, efficiency, repeatability, and maintainability are crucial aspects of software development. As a DevOps engineer, one of the fundamental challenges you face is managing PowerShell scripts and modules effectively. In this blog post, we'll explore the importance of quality PowerShell modules that are version controlled and how they can streamline your development workflow, both on your workstation and in pipeline tasks.

Starting with the Problem: DRY and Script Repetition

In any coding endeavor, it's vital to adhere to the principle of "Don't Repeat Yourself" (DRY). Unfortunately, many developers often find themselves duplicating similar functions or PowerShell snippets across their codebase. This approach contradicts the fundamental goal of reducing repetitions and promoting software pattern reusability.

When I began writing PowerShell scripts, I lacked knowledge of source control. Consequently, I ended up with numerous script files that looked remarkably similar, each with slight variations. These files were often named with suffixes like "_v1.ps1" or "_v2.ps1." However, this unsustainable practice didn't last long, as I soon discovered the power of source control, allowing me to maintain a working copy of my scripts. Nevertheless, the challenge I sought to address with the statement above revolves around a similar concept, albeit on a smaller scale.

Leveraging the Power of Functions

To combat repetition and achieve code reusability, PowerShell functions become our trusty allies. By encapsulating a set of code lines within a function, we can ensure the same result is produced every time, eliminating the need for duplicating code snippets across multiple scripts.

Let's consider a practical scenario: creating new users in Azure AD and adding them to specific groups. Initially, you might be tempted to create a script that individually creates each user, adds them to group X, adds them to group Y, and so on. However, such an approach not only clutters your code but also violates the principles of maintainability and efficiency. Instead, we can create a function that takes user details as parameters, handles user creation, and adds them to the relevant groups. This way, a single function call can repeat the process with just three lines of code, rather than duplicating them across the script.

Reusable Functions: A Common Ground

Now, imagine that you need to perform the same user creation and group assignment process in a different script. A naive approach might involve copying the function from the previous script. However, this not only violates the DRY principle but also introduces redundancy. The best practice is to transform this function into a common function that can be shared across multiple scripts. By doing so, if you ever need to add the user to a third group, you can make the change in one place, and all scripts relying on this common function will benefit from the update.

The Challenge of Reusing Functions in Pipelines

As a DevOps engineer working with pipelines, you may frequently encounter scenarios where you need to reuse functions across different pipelines. This reusability is the challenge that this article aims to address.

Ensuring Code Quality with PSScriptAnalyzer

PowerShell provides a static code analysis tool called PSScriptAnalyzer, which proves invaluable in maintaining code quality and adhering to best practices. By leveraging PSScriptAnalyzer, you can verify that your PowerShell code meets security and maintainability standards, leading to enhanced performance, reliability, and security in the solutions your code produces. PSScriptAnalyzer is a PowerShell module that can be executed on your developer workstation or within a pipeline agent, utilizing PowerShell or an equivalent task.

Version Control for Code Stability

To ensure that changes and improvements to your PowerShell code don't introduce breaking changes, it's crucial to implement version control. Versioning allows you to pin specific versions of code, guaranteeing that downstream automations relying on these modules will not break unexpectedly.

Building for Quality and Versioning

To address the aforementioned criteria effectively, it's essential to incorporate a robust build process into your development workflow. This process should enforce passing PSScriptAnalyzer tests before publishing PowerShell code to the artifact store. By doing so, you ensure that only high-quality code is promoted to the artifact store, minimizing the risk of breaking downstream automations.

Now, let's delve into how you can implement these practices in your Azure DevOps pipelines.

Azure DevOps provides a wide range of tasks and capabilities to support your CI/CD workflows. To ensure code quality and leverage PSScriptAnalyzer, you can incorporate a specific task into your pipeline that performs a scan on all PowerShell files within a target directory.

Here's an example of how you can configure an Azure DevOps pipeline to include a PSScriptAnalyzer task:

      - main

  vmImage: 'ubuntu-latest'

  - task: PowerShell@2
    displayName: 'Install PSScriptAnalyzer'
      targetType: 'inline'
      script: |
        Install-Module -Name PSScriptAnalyzer -Force -AllowClobber

  - task: PowerShell@2
    displayName: 'Run PSScriptAnalyzer'
      targetType: 'inline'
      script: |
        $targetDirectory = 'path/to/your/target/directory'
        $powershellFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $targetDirectory -Filter '*ps1' -Recurse | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName

        foreach ($file in $powershellFiles) {
          Write-Host "Analyzing $file"
          Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer -Path $file -Severity Warning -ErrorAction Stop

Let's break down the pipeline steps:

  1. Install PSScriptAnalyzer: In this step, we use the PowerShell task to install the PSScriptAnalyzer module. This ensures that the required module is available for subsequent analysis.

  2. Run PSScriptAnalyzer: Here, we leverage the PowerShell task again to execute the PSScriptAnalyzer on your target directory. The script scans all PowerShell files (*.ps1) within the specified directory and its subdirectories.

  3. Get-ChildItem retrieves all PowerShell files using the -Filter parameter to specify the file extension and the -Recurse parameter to include subdirectories.

  4. The foreach loop iterates through each PowerShell file and invokes the Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer cmdlet on it. You can customize the severity level (-Severity) based on your requirements.
  5. The pipeline will break if any warnings or errors are encountered during the analysis, thanks to the -ErrorAction Stop parameter.

By including this PSScriptAnalyzer task in your Azure DevOps pipeline, you ensure that all PowerShell files within the target directory undergo static code analysis, and any issues or violations are surfaced during the pipeline execution.

Remember to customize the pipeline according to your specific needs, such as defining appropriate triggers, specifying the correct target directory, and adjusting severity levels based on your desired code quality standards.

With this integration, you can automate the code analysis process, maintain consistent code quality across your PowerShell scripts, and catch potential issues early in the development lifecycle.

Building for Quality and Versioning - Creating Versioned Artifacts in Azure DevOps Artifacts

Once you have ensured code quality by integrating PSScriptAnalyzer into your Azure DevOps pipeline, the next step is to create versioned

artifacts. This ensures that you have stable, tested versions of your PowerShell modules that can be consumed by downstream processes.

Azure DevOps Artifacts is a great solution for hosting and managing your versioned PowerShell modules. By publishing your modules as artifacts, you establish a reliable source for your PowerShell modules, enabling easy consumption and version control.

Here's an example of how you can configure your Azure DevOps pipeline to publish your PowerShell modules as artifacts:

      - main

  vmImage: 'ubuntu-latest'

  - task: PowerShell@2
    displayName: 'Build and Publish Module'
      targetType: 'inline'
      script: |
        $moduleName = 'YourModuleName'
        $moduleVersion = '1.0.0'
        $modulePath = 'path/to/your/module'
        $artifactPath = '$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/$moduleName'

        # Build the module
        Push-Location -Path $modulePath
        Write-Host "Building $moduleName v$moduleVersion"
        Publish-Module -Path . -NuGetApiKey $(NuGetApiKey) -Repository MyFeed -Verbose

        # Publish the module as an artifact
        Write-Host "Publishing $moduleName v$moduleVersion as an artifact"
        Publish-BuildArtifact -ArtifactName $moduleName -Path $artifactPath

Let's break down the pipeline steps:

Build and Publish Module: In this step, we use the PowerShell task to build and publish your PowerShell module.

  • $moduleName, $moduleVersion, and $modulePath represent the name, version, and path of your PowerShell module, respectively. Adjust these variables based on your module's details.
  • $artifactPath specifies the path where the module artifact will be stored. By utilizing $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory), we leverage a built-in variable that points to the artifact staging directory for the pipeline run.

Build the module: Within this section, we navigate to the module path using Push-Location and build the module using the Publish-Module cmdlet. Make sure to provide the appropriate values for the -NuGetApiKey parameter (to authenticate with your feed) and the -Repository parameter (to specify the target feed). Customize these parameters to match your setup.

Publish the module as an artifact: Finally, we publish the module as an artifact using the Publish-BuildArtifact cmdlet. The artifact is given the name of the module ($moduleName) and is stored in the $artifactPath location.


In this blog post, we explored the significance of quality PowerShell modules that are version controlled and how they can enhance your PowerShell development workflow as a DevOps engineer. By leveraging functions, enforcing code quality with PSScriptAnalyzer, and creating versioned artifacts, you can streamline your development process, promote code reusability, and ensure code stability.

Implementing these practices in your PowerShell development lifecycle will not only make your scripts more maintainable and efficient but also contribute to the overall success of your DevOps initiatives.